
The Center for Peace and Spirituality
Announcement!!! New Packing with new Name while formulation, effectiveness and healing power is same like previous. Please recite "Ha Meem Layunsaroon" in large numbers for the protection and help of Hazrat Hakeem Sb, his generations, and Ubqari organization. Recite and spread. Important Change: Earlier, the Halqa e Kashaf ul Mahjoob (The Circle of Revelation of Veiled) used to held every month after Salat Maghrib. Now it has be rescheduled to morning soon after the spiritual glow of the Great Name of Allah, so that the travelers can go back to their homes conveniently.


Ubqari Magazine - SEPTEMBER 2012




My respectable friends! I sit down sometime and say to Allah that O Allah! Your people come to me and I send them to you. I just give them your name. O Allah! My house is empty and your house is full. If they will leave from my empty house, they will not complain. If they will return empty-handed from your full house, then what will they say? ILAHI, keep my honor. ILAHI, May no one return empty-handed from your full house.

Value your associations with the Prophet Muhammad PBUH. Love those associations. Respect those associations. They have been given to us by Allah. A person who will value them, Allah will grant him both; world and akhira. Allah will bless people who will value these associations; both in this world and here-after. Allah will grant him respect in both worlds, too.

SLAVERY OF PROPHET MUHAMMAD PBUH; VERBALLY OR PHYSICALLY: From today, we all should imagine that as soon as we wake up in the morning, our inner-voice shall call out that I will spend this day as a slave of the Prophet PBUH. When sleeping at night, one should ask himself as to how much time did I spend in the slavery of the Prophet PBUH actually? DEATH IS ACCEPTABLE IN THE SLAVERY OF PROPHET MUHAMMAD PBUH; it’s not a phrase to be written on walls but should be engraved on our hearts; on the wall of one’s heart. It is written here with much difficulty and the color comes with difficulty as well. But once the color comes, it is permanent. Then there is benevolence in death; benevolence in life.

TODAY’S LESSON: As soon as your day starts, make efforts during the day; efforts to please Allah; with your tongue, your eyes, your hands, your income, your words, your thinking, your steps; try every moment. In the evening, audit yourself to sleep. If you have incurred any mistake, that Kareem will forgive you. My Rab blesses that person a lot who makes efforts. This is today’s lesson. Whatever a person thinks of and then asks with sincere intentions, Allah is very Kareem. HE bestows upon him. Man thinks and prays that O Allah! I am poor but you are not.

A GREAT BELIEF CREATES ISM-E-AZAM: A person said, “I recited a tasbeeh at a time when I was very worried. There was an opportunity for me to perform a sin; now I was worried that which tasbeeh I should recite to save myself from performing that sin. Impulsively I uttered,

“O Allah! I am helpless but you are not helpless. O Allah! I am helpless but you are not helpless. O Allah! I am helpless but you are not helpless.”

He said that I recited this instinctively and with such feelings that my words became ism-e-azam. Now I recite it whenever I face a situation of saving life or saving emaan. “O Allah! I am helpless but you are not helpless”. He told that Allah protects me.

DECIDE TODAY: This is why I request you that let us all decide today in Allah’s court. In your hearts, in your minds, that whatever we decide before sleeping and while waking up, we have to audit our self at night, prior to sleep. We have to asses our self and make efforts for it during the day; at every step of our life. It is not difficult but very easy; all you need is sincere intention. As soon as we wake up in the morning, we do think about something so why not think about this in the morning. Then afterwards if we do think about other worldly affairs, then it’s not an issue. The last thing on your mind prior to sleep is that what if I die. O people! There should be some plea for us that O Allah! We died while thinking about it.

ALWAYS BE PREPARED: I have come across a lot of incidences in which the person slept and expired. Once I was returning from the grave-yard when I saw a person. He deals with properties. I asked, “Isn’t this Doctor XYZ’s house?” He said, “Yes. I got him the possession and the Doctor got it constructed within days. The Doctor slept at night and his coffin left the house in the morning.”

My friends! Life is very unpredictable. Your feeling might be of penitence tonight; Ya Allah, today I have incurred such mistake, such decline. We disobeyed your beloved Muhammad PBUH; there was a reduction in the slavery. If a person sleeps while regretting and the angels of death arrive. Ya Allah! He slept with regret. My lord says that I like penitence. Take him to heaven without any check. That’s it; you are through.

SYNOPSIS; TWO WORDS: My conversation can be summarized in two words. Your day should be spent in this condition. When you wake up and till you lie down at night, keep thinking about it. Make efforts for it throughout the day. Is it easy or difficult? Very easy. INSHALLAH. Rest you will pray that Ya Allah! Make it easy for me!

TWO ACTIVITIES OF THE BELIEVER; EFFORT AND PRAYER: A believer performs two acts; efforts and prayer. We spoke about efforts. Now we come towards prayer. Butter is the result of churning. If you leave the butter, then what is the benefit of churning? It is just like as if you were splashing in water. There is a difference in milk mandhani and water mandhani (tool to churn butter). Milk mandhani gives butter and water mandhani yields nothing. So, this is all our effort; taking Allah’s name and talking about His beloved PBUH’s, is milk. Praying with attention, weeping and appeasing that Kareem (Generous) is butter. Do not miss out on that supplication because of carelessness. Listen! What we want, will only happen when Allah wants.


Respected Hakeem Sahab


I really wanted to offer Hajj but had no resource and no money. I used to attend the dars previously as well but then I started attending it with the intention of Hajj. I wept and plead to Allah for Hajj during your dua. Allah accepted my prayers and made it possible for me from the unknown and I have been honored for offering Hajj this year. I am leaving on the 2nd October in the Hajj flight. Respected Hakeem Sahab; I am so happy that I cannot express my happiness. [Fatima Hassan; LAHORE]

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